Parcel dimensioning, weighing & Scanning Systems


Cubetape C190 Series

Dimension and verify consignments on the move. The Cubetape digital dimensioning and measuring device captures the dimensions of parcels and large consignments just like a standard tape measure, but with the added benefit of wireless data transfer to your shipping system. The Cubetape connects effortlessly with ERP systems and shipping software to eliminate the manual entry of length, width and height, saving valuable time in the fast-paced freight industry.

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The R200 is a super-fast and compact dimensioning and weighing solution for desktop or mobile workstations. Designed for weighing small cubic or irregular shaped packages from 2cm cubed up to 50cm cubed, the R200 incorporates a next-generation overhead camera that uses the latest 3D imaging technology to measure length, width, height & volume in just 0.05 secs

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R300 is a low cost/high quality dimensioning and weighing system that can calculate dimensions, volume, weight and volumetric/dimensional weight in a fraction of a second.

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Fast and accurate pallet dimensioning for couriers, freight, logistics, warehousing and goods in/out. R400 uses the latest 3D imaging technology to provide a revolutionary low cost/high quality dimensioning solution that calculates pallet dimensions for cubic or irregular shapes in 0.05 seconds!

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R500 uses the latest 3D Imaging Technology to provide high accuracy, low cost dynamic dimensioning and check weighing for up to 2000 items per hour. This revolutionary new dimensioning system calculates dimensions to an accuracy of 0.5cm for cubic or irregular objects.

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